Challenges and opportunities of CSR in Saxony‘s textile industry

The early implementation of CSR activities in Saxon textile companies can bring a decisive competitive advantage, especially with regard to the current sustainability debate.
Future social demands and legal regulations regarding corporate sustainability and CSR management will not only affect large companies, but will also indirectly affect SMEs. It is to be expected that large companies in particular will in future only work with partners who can make statements about their CSR management in order to comply with the requirements of statutory regulations.

With the help of the CSR study, practices and standards in the field of CSR are to be identified and a corporate awareness of the issue of sustainability along the entire textile value chain is to be created. In the first step of the analysis, companies will be assessed by publishing their CSR activities. In the further course, more specific information on the companies’ CSR efforts will be requested through workshops, interviews as well as by means of a survey. The aim of the study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the current state of the economic, ecological and social environment of Saxony‘s textile industry.


Project Duration:
01.08.2022 – 31.08.2023

Constitutent / Funding Body:
State of Saxony

SDGs addressed:
