Development of a dual stacking concept and hydrogen-free test scenarios as a basis for providing the quantities of FC stacks that will be required in the future.

consisting of ten fuel cells are first stacked on top of each other. The mini-stacks will be tested electronically rather than as usually by hydrogen. This is cheaper and faster technique, as fewer complex safety measures are required to test the mini-stacks. A quality inspection that commonly takes four to twelve hours can be complied within a few minutes. Previously, once stacks have been assembled, they cannot be dissembled and reassembled because original position of the fuel cell cannot be restored. The development of the dual stacking concept provides a promising approach to solve this issue and allows defective mini-stacks to be repaired and recycled.

Attaining the DuSwaP alliance’s goals will enable immense time and cost savings in the production of fuel cell stacks. With an increase in general availability of the equipment for production as well as the product, the investment costs and risks decreases. This could contribute to a wider acceptance of the new technology and hydrogen-powered vehicles. Therefore, this project directly contributes to the German government’s national hydrogen strategy.



Project Duration:
01.06.2023 – 31.05.2026

Constitutent / Funding Body:
Federal Ministry of Education and Research

SDGs addressed:


  • 14 Alliance partners from Saxony as well as 3 associated partners.
  • All partners at a glance: